About Us

welcome to

The Cozy Space

Located at the outskirts of Negeri Sembilan town, which is called Nilai. The Cozy Space is located at Youth City which is a nextgen residential and commercial hub designed for the tech-savvy urbanite of the 21st century. The concept of “The Cozy Space” is constructed with the unique design and contained several attractive themes which is suitable adult, children and family vacation.

The Cozy Space is also equipped with modern facilities and smart home system which allow tourists to enjoy the high tech way of life. Tourists can enjoy the themed rooftop facilities with swimming pool and approximate 150,000 sq ft of clubhouse and facilities.

Strategically located at


The Cozy Space is also nested beautifully facing the GEMBOX, Malaysia Largest Night Market. GEMBOX will be home to Malaysia’s most well-known vendors, bringing a wide range of local delicacies from 13 different states. GEMBOX is the best place to discover, enjoy and explore the local scene.
Our Vision

To be the #1 themed-based home-stay operator in Malaysia.

Our Mission

To provide unique home-stay experiences for our guests with great value.

Our belief

Stay hungry, stay foolish.